Thumbnail Category Material Parts # Max Quantity Quote Needed By Location
Machining Alloy Steel 2 4 Pieces 2024-03-23
Machining Brass 10 18,730 Pieces 2024-03-23
Machining Alloy Steel 2 20 Pieces 2024-03-23
Casting Iron 2 200,000 Pieces 2024-03-23
Fabrication Stainless Steel 1 1 Assemblies 2024-03-23
Extrusion Aluminium 1 3 Tons 2024-03-23
Machining Iron 9 90 Pieces 2024-03-23
Machining Thermoplastic 5 1,700 Pieces 2024-03-23
Electrical Products Other 1 100 Meters 2024-03-23
Machining Brass 2 3,200 Pieces 2024-03-23
Fabrication Aluminium 3 9 Tons 2024-03-23
Bearings Carbon Steel 1 4,000 Pieces 2024-03-23
Machining Aluminium 2 96 Pieces 2024-03-23
Machining Other 1 1 Sets 2024-03-23
Machining Alloy Steel 10 18 piece 2024-03-23

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Covering key processes including machining, casting, fabrication, stamping and molding. Haizol verifies all quotes prior to release.
